hemp based christmas cookie balls

Janie's Gluten-Free Christmas Hemp-Ball Cookies

Laura Noble

Pre-baked Hemp-Ball CookiesHemp-Ball Cookies

These cookies are Gluten Free and low in sugar.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees



  1. Use coffee grinder or blender to finely grind Lady Jane's Whole Hemp Seeds. Once ground, measure to 2 cups
  2. Chop pecan very small. Once chopped, measure to 3 cups
  3. In mixing bowl, mix soft butter with 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla.
  4. Add ground toasted hemp seeds, chopped pecans, hemp flour to butter mixture.
  5. Mix until well blended
  6. Scoop mixture out with small size melon-baller. Roll firmly and place on cookie sheet. 
  7. Bake for 7 to 10 minutes
  8. Remove from oven, let sit for a few minutes
  9. Roll warm cookies in the powdered sugar


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