banana stuffed crepe made from hemp flap jack mix

Stuffed Crepe GF Pancakes Lady Jane Gourmet Seed Co

Laura Noble

These protein rich, gluten free stuffed pancakes are crepe style cakes that are super easy to make. Plus they are a great source of iron, magnesium and more. They'll be a winner with your family!

You'll need:

  1. Preheat griddle, lower temperature
  2. Mix contents of Lady Jane's Flap Jack Mix with milk and eggs.
  3. Set aside
  4. Slice bananas
  5. Crush walnuts into small bits
  6. Pour 3/4 cup of batter onto preheated buttered griddle
  7. Let cook about 5 minutes until cake is nearly cooked thru
  8. Flip

GF Pancake with bananas
Layer slices of bananas across half of cake


GF Pancake with bananas and syrup

Pour pure maple Syrup over entire cake


GF pancake with bananas, syrup, and walnuts

Sprinkle walnuts liberally over bananas

Folded GF pancake with bananas, syrup, and walnuts

Let cook another minute & fold



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